
The MMIW Gets More Money

The MMIW Gets More Money

The Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Inquiry (MMIW) was back in the news recently. They asked the federal government for a two year extension on their mandate, and an additional $50,000,000. They have apparently already burned through the $54,000,000 they had...

Cronies That Love the Revised NAFTA

Cronies That Love the Revised NAFTA

Many advocates for cultural diversity have a sudden change of heart when the topic turns to Canada's "cultural industries." As they say in Argentina, for money, the monkey will dance. What constitutes Canadian heritage, given her complex milieu, tends to be in the eye...

Bad ideas are hard to kill

Bad ideas are hard to kill

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP) is an independent Canadian public policy think tank. Our research aims to analyze current affairs and public policies and develop effective and meaningful ideas for good governance and reform. Our research is on a wide...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

The Notwithstanding Clause

The Notwithstanding Clause

Section 33 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows Parliament and provincial legislatures to override certain Charter rights. Despite criticism from some politicians, academics and the media, the clause is constitutionally-sound and useful. Section 33 has a...

Sympathizing with Minorities

Sympathizing with Minorities

When one of my friends and colleagues accused me of being unsympathetic to minorities, I was indignant. How dare he? After all, I am myself a member of a much maligned and prejudicially treated minority ethnic group, with which I identify strongly. Not only that, both...

Are you optimistic about new tax revenue from the marijuana industry? For years, marijuana advocates have been telling us that if we legalize and tax cannabis products, floods of new revenue will flow into government coffers and the budget will balance itself....

Has SGI Outlived Its Purpose?

Has SGI Outlived Its Purpose?

Many Crown corporations that were created by governments from long ago are beginning to show signs that they are no longer appropriate for life in evolving competitive markets. Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), may be one of those corporations that has outlived...

Broadcasting our Privacy

Broadcasting our Privacy

Within the traditionally-sacred walls of our homes we felt secure that we were hidden from the prying eyes of peeping Toms. Once your curtains were drawn and the door shut, you feel a sense of quiet and a feeling that you were now in your own space, saying and doing...