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Canadian Commercial Corporation

Canadian Commercial Corporation

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is a federal Crown corporation set up in 1946 to facilitate international trade on behalf of Canadian industries with governments of foreign countries. CCC’s business lines support Canadian companies contracting in a range of...

"Is Recycling working out for Winnipeg and other cities? In 2017 the City of Winnipeg turned down a proposal from its lowest bidder on providing waste and recycling services and went with a more expensive option, why would they do that you might ask? That is a great...

New Chance for a Good Idea

New Chance for a Good Idea

"If you ever ask yourself, why indigenous people line up during Treaty Days to collect $5.00 and why is it still $5.00? That $5.00 should have been raised with inflation. Annuity payments were in lieu of giving the access to the minerals. The annuities that were...

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

For Chanelle Armstrong, 31, creating her family business Stay Native was a chance to turn a growing New Zealand tourism industry into an opportunity to promote self-reliance among the Indigenous Māori. Many Māori businesses aim to help their community. “Being a social...