David Seymour

David Seymour directed the Frontier Centre’s Saskatchewan office from 2007 to 2011. He holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Philosophy from the University of Auckland, where he also tutored Economics. After working as an engineer in New Zealand, he applied his passion for sound policy analysis to policy issues on the Prairies. In four years working for the Frontier Centre, David carried out extensive media work, presenting policy analysis through local and national television, newspapers, and radio. His policy columns were published in newspapers in every province as well as the Globe and Mail and the National Post. David produced policy research papers on telecommunications privatization, education, environmental policy, fiscal policy, poverty, and taxi deregulation. However, his major project with the Frontier Centre was the annual Local Government Performance Index (LGPI) which compiled financial performance statistics across all major Canadian cities. David also produced an 18 part video series based on Henry Hazlitt’s classic book Economics in One Lesson and wrote the book “Birth of a Boom – Saskatchewan’s Dawning Golden Age” in 2011.

Research by David Seymour

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