Les Routledge

Pay as You Drive Insurance

Why I do not like the overall approach this auto insurance company has employed, it is a start in the migration toward charging for insurance based on people actual risk in driving instead of unrelated factors such as income or credit history. In my situation, I drive...

Alberta’s Good Fortune

When I read a news item like this one profiling the riches that Alberta is reaping from the natural, non-renewable resource asset base, I often try to simplify it to making an analogy to my own farm.  I own 200 acres of land that most years will produce a bit of...

Featured News

The Port of Churchill is a Vital National Asset

As indicated by the Honorable member from Regina-Wascana in his comments, the Port of Churchill is a vital element of national infrastructure and component of asserting national security in the Arctic.  He receives no argument in that assertion from me.  I agree that...