Peter Holle

Peter Holle is the founding President of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, an award-winning western Canadian-based public policy think tank. Since its founding in 1997, Frontier has brought a distinctive and influential Prairie voice to regional and national debates over public policy in areas such as core public sector reform, housing, poverty, aboriginals, consumer-focused health care performance, equalization, rural policy and much more. Of the nearly 100 recognized think tanks in Canada, Frontier is one of only 5 to make the 2008 global “Go-To Think Tanks” list published by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia.

Mr. Holle has worked extensively with public sector reform and has provided advisory services to various governments across Canada and the United States. His publications have appeared in various newspapers and journals including dozens of newspapers, the National Post and the Wall Street Journal. He has a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is a member of various organizations including the Mont Pelerin Society, an international organization of classical liberals.

Research by Peter Holle

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Virginia enacted a Clean Economy Act; other states have implemented similar laws. AOC demands a national Green New Deal; President Biden is imposing one via executive decree. The United Kingdom is determined to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions; the European...

‘Cyber Pandemic’ Cure Worse than the Disease

‘Cyber Pandemic’ Cure Worse than the Disease

The old adage “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” has found new life. Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman has said a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics” could soon strike the world and “bring a complete halt to the power...

Thinking Longer Term: Covid on First Nations

Thinking Longer Term: Covid on First Nations

The pandemic is showing us the consequences of not adequately addressing housing and health care issues on Indigenous communities in Manitoba. Back in April 2020, I wrote an editorial that showed how Indigenous communities – while protected at first from the pandemic...

Vaccine Mandates Reveal that the State is our Enemy

Vaccine Mandates Reveal that the State is our Enemy

Albert Nock was a noted 20th century American libertarian who along with H.L. Mencken, recognized the pre-conditions necessary to accurately foresee the onset of both the Great Depression and WWII. In his 1935 treatise “Our Enemy: The State,” Nock wrote that: ...there...

Featured News

Trust is the Foundation of Authority

The heartbreaking death of Nathanael Spitzer, the cancer-stricken boy from Ponoka, exposed a most callous streak in Alberta’s medical bureaucracy. There is no forgiving how Alberta Health Services appallingly used a child’s death to promote yet more COVID-19 fear. ...

Septic Soap Opera

There is less than meets the eye in the problem of overflowing sewage lagoons in Manitoba provincial parks. Regulators failed to expand lagoon capacity after they decreed an end to grey water septic fields; a decision which dramatically increased volumes hauled to lagoons.