
Ottawa is 2900 square kilometres and the expansion, if it is approved, the expansion of the urban boundary is 1650 hectares (~16.5 square kilometres), causing great debate among the city council, we are going to focus on intensification, urban expansion, and housing...

Tension among Canadian provinces is rising, with activists in Alberta and Saskatchewan even calling for independence. Marco Navarro-Genie, a senior fellow with Frontier Centre for Public Policy and president of the Haultain Research Institute, explains federal...

Canada is in trouble, half of the population believes we are in a climate crisis that believes shutting down the oil and gas industry is needed, while the other half recognizes that Canada’s oil and gas industry is vital. These competing opinions run roughly along an...

Featured News

Courts Discriminate Against Dads

Gender roles in Canadian society have changed dramatically over the decades.  With women participating more fully in the workforce, men are taking on more of the responsibility of child care. Despite this change in family dynamics, the courts still treat mothers...

Local, Smaller Governments More Financially Stable

With debts of more than $18 Billion, the city of Detroit was declared bankrupt last year, but it's not the largest American city to ever face such a crisis. New York filed for bankruptcy in 1975 but the process was stopped at the last-minute. Detroit is also not alone...

Buying Local is Not for Everyone

The idea of “buying local” is becoming increasingly popular among Canadians. Purchasing food from a local farmer or a product from a small business is often more gratifying than lining up at a large franchise.  Sometimes local products are preferred to imports,...

Distracted Driving Laws Are Not Effective

All Canadian provinces have laws in place that punish people for texting or talking on cellphones while driving. But the rising number of tickets indicates people are just not listening. Jurisdictions with distracted driving laws have actually seen an increase in...

Civil Forfeiture Laws Victimize Citizens

More and more Canadians are being victimized by laws that allow authorities to seize assets that are suspected of being the proceeds of crime. In several provinces, property and other assets can be seized even without formal charges being laid, let alone a conviction...