
Is Quebec’s electricity business model broken?

This report on Quebec Hydro is one in a long series of reports of 'troubles in Canada's utility land' brought about by the shale gas revolution, new technologies (solar, wind), larger investments in energy efficiency measures and slowing per capita demand, all taking...

Featured News

Property rights still in jeopardy at border

A Saskatchewan couple is still discovering that property rights are precarious when it comes to the Canada-United States border. A saga pitting a Saskatchewan couple against a federal agency may soon be coming to a sad conclusion. Edwin and Alison Morris were informed...

Evidence Suggests Windfall Government Revenue Worsens Corruption

A study published in this month’s American Economic Review demonstrates that increased federal transfers to municipalities in Brazil lead to increased corruption. While one can quibble over whether the effect is as strong in more developed countries, the results are precisely what should be expected, given the incentives facing politicians.

Wireless Ad Battles

The prospect of Verizon moving into the Canadian wireless market has resulted in an unprecedented ad campaign from the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA).  Not since the days of the proposed “cable tax” that would have required cable, satellite...

Lessons from Uruguay’s Drug Reform

Uruguay is set to become the first country to legalize the manufacture, distribution, and sale of marijuana. This is a meaningful step toward reducing drug-related crimes, eliminating wasteful spending, and shifting the debate from criminalization to individual...

Equalization Corrodes Belgium

An occasional topic at Frontier is equalization, a very time worn federal transfer program that flows vast sums of money, no-strings-attached, to the so-called "have-not" provinces. While certainly well-intended, several think tanks have documented the program's...

Costs and Benefits

The Province's majority NDP government has released another media  release praising its plans and actions "to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and become better able to withstand climate  change". Publius wonders if the Province's taxpayers, ratepayers and...

Natural Gas Versus Hydro

The energy debate in Manitoba is slowly getting around to looking at a proposition I advanced when I was with the Manitoba Sustainable Energy Association that involves deploying scalable natural gas systems as an alternative to large, long lead time hydro dams.

In my opinion, there is a need to move towards a more distributed model of producing energy in this province.  As I described in 2009, it is possible that moving towards a combination of a distributed energy generation and smart grids could…

  • improve the security of supply of energy across Manitoba;
  • distribute benefits associated with electrical energy production more equitably throughout Manitoba;
  • encourage the adoption of combined heat-and-power energy systems in agricultural, commercial, industrial and institutional settings;
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions and negative environmental impacts associated with energy mega-project development;
  • create a platform to implement demand-side energy management systems and time-of-use rates;
  • more fully utilize existing electrical transmission and distribution assets throughout Manitoba.