
Featured News

Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada must demonstrate federal leadership and all provinces and territories must come together as a country to support our energy economy, given its relative importance to Canada’s entire economy.  If it does not, Canada will continue to see its energy sector fall...

Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines

Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines

In essence, Bill Gates is in charge of the world’s health. The application of his massive wealth, and his rallying of others to do the same, puts him in an unparalleled position of impact. However, his influence is enormous enough that it may muffle the scrutiny he...

The Unraveling of American Policing

The Unraveling of American Policing

The current wave of protests in response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and across the United States is just another in a lengthy list of protests against police misconduct. The list is long: Rodney King incident in Los Angeles (1991); Abner Louima a...

Transhumanism is a Post-God Serpent’s Promise

Transhumanism is a Post-God Serpent’s Promise

When God dies, so does his morality, and then man rises to take God’s place. Over the past 140 years, people as diverse as Friedrich Nietzsche, Adolf Hitler, and Ray Kurzweil, have hailed the quest for superhumans. In many ways, the transhumanist movement represents...