Media Appearances

A Place in the Sun Still Precious: Price of owning a house in Kelowna still one of the highest in the country

Even with house prices down in a soft economy, Kelowna’s housing is still considered “severely unaffordable.” The Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s eight annual Demographia Housing Affordability Survey puts the city’s multiple ratio at 6.6, the fourth most unaffordable in the country behind Vancouver, Abbotsford and Victoria.

Featured News

The Present Climate

“A recent poll by Compas, paid for by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, showed that 73 per cent of Canadians want any treaty on global warming delayed or not signed at all. They probably fear the economic costs, especially at a time when the worldwide recession is hardly over.”

Report Urges Reporting of Assets

“The District of Maple Ridge ranked 59th out of 75 municipalities for financial reporting standards in a recent report by a right-wing think tank. The ranking was in a report by the Frontier Centre For Public Policy in its Local Government Performance Index 2009 report. The Centre is based out of Winnipeg.”

Vehicles Improve Earning Potential

“There is always this assumption that people on welfare and low-income earners can just use the bus and that is the most appropriate form of transportation for them,” said Taylor, adding riding the bus is not necessarily the best alternative to owning a car.

Global Warming Dismissed as ‘Lies’

“Fluctuations in the earth’s temperature have occurred throughout history and can be explained by various factors, such as changes in the sun”, Monckton said. “Politicians motivated by money, power and glory are more than happy to jump on the global-warming bandwagon.”