Media Appearances

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Regina Cozying Up to Business

Still, it’s clear Premier Wall is trying to carefully inch his province away from the reflex to nationalize everything under the Living Skies. In the old days, Saskatchewanians would take for granted that new power facilities would naturally get built by Sask-Power, says David Seymour, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s Saskatchewan analyst.

Robert Fulford

“I think that the Canadian artists at least, for example, the film makers have been too pliant in their attitude to government. They’ve been so anxious to get money out of the government that they’ve put up with an incredibly complex, multi-leveled system of grants that turns every film producer in our country into a government lobbyist.”

Downplaying Global Warming

Mother Earth “is doing wonderfully” despite alarmist reports about global warming and unfounded warnings about pending environmental catastrophes, a Regina audience was told Wednesday. Lawrence Solomon, author and newspaper columnist who has long been involved in environmental issues and organizations, said there isn’t any scientific proof that global warming is caused by the burning of carbon-based fuels.

Is It Really Your Land?

The documentary chronicles the story of Marcel Fouillard and his family who, over the last 50 years, have developed a portion of the land they owned into a beautiful scenic area. Unfortunately, by their efforts, the Fouillards, who have a history of happily allowing schools, charities, and members of the public access the beautiful and historic site, made their land into a desirable expropriation target by the local Rural Municipality, which would like to develop it into a tourist attraction.

Home Ownership, Rent Vouchers, And Building Codes

In “Escaping the poverty trap: from public housing to home ownership,” Rebecca Walberg writes that “The last thing a Canadian city should be doing now is building or buying new public housing units.” Instead, Walberg, Social Policy Analyst for the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, advances policy ideas that would encourage home ownership and rent vouchers instead of government housing and rent control.