Aboriginal Futures

Energy Divestment is Anti-Indigenous

Energy Divestment is Anti-Indigenous

Public bodies and private organizations in Canada choosing to divest in the energy sector cannot say that they also support Indigenous communities. Attacking the energy industry means you are attacking the main livelihood of many communities. As we speak, activists...

Featured News

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

There Are No Secret Graves

There Are No Secret Graves

Canada’s flag has been flying at half-mast since the shocking discovery of the bodies of 215 indigenous children, who died under sinister circumstances at the Kamloops Residential School, and were secretly buried in the area known as the “apple orchard”. Chief...

Educating Leyland Cecco

Educating Leyland Cecco

“Leyland Cecco is a freelance journalist based in Toronto, Canada. His work has primarily been in the Middle East, South Asia and Canada, with a focus on water security.” - The Guardian website September 6 2021 Dear Mr. Cecco, Your article in today’s edition of The...

Was there a cultural genocide in Canada as claimed in the Truth and Reconciliation Report?  Mass graves at residential schools?   An interview with Professor Rodney Clifton, co-editor of “From Truth Comes Reconciliation: Assessing the Truth and Reconciliation...

Clarifying Duty to Consult

Clarifying Duty to Consult

How can we achieve Indigenous economic reconciliation when the legal system perpetuates endless legal grievances and challenges?  Case in point is a recent court ruling in British Columbia that could have serious negative effects on developments in provinces that...

Time to End Section 35?

Time to End Section 35?

Canada achieved it’s now-waning state of greatness through the application in its governance of over a century of classic liberal social, economic and political principles. Liberalism, (not to be confused with the illiberal dogmatism practised by the Liberal Party of...

The Kamloops Graves

The Kamloops Graves

“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity, where some people are held liable for things that happened before they were born, while others are not held responsible for things they are themselves doing today?” - Thomas Sowell Canadians reacted with horror to the...