Property Rights

Property Rights Under Threat

Property Rights Under Threat is a new video from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy that covers the plight of Geophysical Service Incorporated, a Calgary-based business that specializes in seismic exploration. For many years, GSI conducted seismic surveys of the...

Property Rights Video Clip

One of the projects I'm working on at Frontier is a new video clip about a company called GSI - Geophysical Service Incorporated. Joseph Quesnel, one of my colleagues, has written about GSI before. GSI conducts seismic surveys and then sells the data they collect...

Featured News

Self-Inflicted Poverty

Much of Egypt’s economic problems are directly related to government interference and control that have resulted in weak institutions vital to prosperity. Hernando De Soto, president of Peru’s Institute for Liberty and Democracy (, laid out much of Egypt’s problem in his Wall Street Journal article (Feb. 3, 2011), “Egypt’s Economic Apartheid.” More than 90 percent of Egyptians hold their property without legal title.

Likely Consequences of Nenshi’s Civic Tax

Little children used to be encouraged to stay inside the lines when colouring.  That was until the wave of postmodernist educators encouraged children to exercise their creativity. No need to bother staying inside the lines.

We know that Calgary’s Mayor Naheed Nenshi is a former educator.  Perhaps he is a postmodernist educator too since his proposed new civic tax will encourage people to go outside the Calgary lines.

Nenshi is musing about convincing the feds to add one percent to the GST to Calgary goods and services. The extra money would go to him (the city government), and he will use it to pay for infrastructure such as libraries, recreation areas, and a new public art gallery.

One unintended result of the civic tax may be a fair bonanza for outlying municipalities, should they wish to exercise some fiscal discipline and not emulate Nenshi.  Airdrie and Okotoks might be the big winners, with Cochrane and Strathmore perhaps not too far behind.

Why Haiti Can’t Recover

“Of all the words I’ve read to describe post-quake Haiti, the most apt is “dystopian.” Haiti is not only the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, it is also the most wretched and dysfunctional. By nearly every measure — stability of civil society, corruption, GDP, per capita income — Haiti is in the bottom 10% of nations worldwide.”

Common Sense is the Point

I am personally not worried about citizens going around “arresting” people just because they can, as detractors of the revised law argue. That has not been the case up to know, so it is not suddenly going to start. But if the new legislation spares some one like David Chen in defending his property from butting heads with Leviathan, the legislation will be worth it. It will further citizens’ liberties, not abridge them.

The Battleground of Property Rights

A long established truism in the Westminster (parliamentary) system  is that governments are as good as their opposition. When governments lack good policy typically so do the opposing parties.  Regardless of the size of the opposition, the same can be true in...