Results for "Jack Major"

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The Trials of a Democratic Reformer: In California’s capital, union officials ‘walk around like they’re God.’ This pro-labor former legislator wants to bring them back to earth.

Former Los Angeles Lakers Coach Phil Jackson once referred to Sacramento as a “cowtown,” but Gloria Romero, a pro-labor Democrat who served as California’s Senate majority leader from 2001 to 2008, takes exception to the belittling description. The capitol building in Sacramento, she says, has “the eighth most powerful economy in the world under that dome,” and it operates not unlike other wealthy kleptocracies. “There’s no other way to say it politely. It’s owned.”

Don’t Nickel and Dime Our MPPs: Do we really want to pay 80-hour-a-week lesgislators less than a Fort Mcmurray truck driver?

Vic Fedeli is at his desk at the Ontario legislature by 7:30 every morning. Fedeli, 55, figures he works 80-90 hours a week, not including travel time. He’s paid $116,550 a year. That’s less than the chief librarian in Ajax, Ont., or a fire training officer in Brampton. And unlike his cohorts, there’s no fat pension waiting for the burnt-out politician when he retires.

Think-Tanks Wielding More Clout in Politics: Organizations such as the right-leaning Manning Centre, nascent Broadbent Institute increasingly part of the ‘political infrastructure’

When Canadians think of political parties, they focus on the teams of politicians fronting them. But behind the scenes, Canadian political parties are increasingly getting support from a “political infrastructure” that plays a crucial role in selling their ideology to the public.