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Improve Public Education Through School Choice

Improve Public Education Through School Choice

Last month, the Ontario government announced a new elementary math curriculum. The province will return to a “back to basics” approach aimed at improving standardized test scores, and will also introduce lessons on financial literacy and coding. Whether these changes...

Mandatory Vaccine Bill is Off-Target

Mandatory Vaccine Bill is Off-Target

New Brunswick’s failed attempt to remove vaccine exemptions sparked a political, ethical, and constitutional controversy. The benefits of the bill were marginal at best, but the heavy-handed tactics governments attempted to use to implement it were even worse. It was...

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Measure Twice, Cut Once

The carpenters’ mantra - measure twice but cut once - says when you have limited resources move carefully because you have only one chance to get it right. Failure to follow this wisdom can lead to costly waste. Outcomes. Results. Value. While governments struggle to...

Reserve Housing — a Burning Issue

A privately owned home could be used as collateral to start a business that also could be privately owned and could, therefore, be managed in such a way that it actually made money and produced jobs — two things that are in short supply on reserves, where there are virtually no private businesses

Milk and Money

The price of milk in Canada recently popped up by an average of 7.8% and if there were any protests, they were certainly muted. That is unfortunate. The price increases should have reminded consumers that we weave a terribly tangled web when first we practise to deceive