Results for "pardy"

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Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

Get Out of Jail Free Card?

Get Out of Jail Free Card?

Recently, a jury’s acquittal of a white man for the killing of an Indigenous man is highlighting some of the deepest divisions in this country. One of those divisions is between people living on reserves, and the farmers and townspeople living in the vicinity of those...

Day 20 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 20 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 20 - Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would like to see under our tree.   On Day 20 we wish for a policy that places reserve land and resources with...

Oil Prices and the Canadian Economy

Back in 2010, soaring oil prices and the accompanying appreciation of the Canadian dollar was perceived by some to be a major problem for the Canadian manufacturing sector. People argued that our economy suffered from a “resource curse”- a phenomenon where...

Conversation with David Vardy

David Vardy holds degrees in Economics from Memorial University, the University of Toronto and Princeton University. He was a member of the economics faculty at Queen’s University before returning to Newfoundland and Labrador to serve as a senior public servant for...