Results for "china"

What Canada Can Do to Oppose Chinese Tyranny

What Canada Can Do to Oppose Chinese Tyranny

 As Temperature Rises, Great White North Must Side with Trump A Vancouver court is the battleground for two different visions of Canada’s future. The United States wants the extradition of Meng Wanzhou, the top Huawei executive, while Beijing wants Canada to let her...

Landslide Reveals Modern Life Vulnerability

Landslide Reveals Modern Life Vulnerability

On February 2, 2020, thousands of Canadians lost by a landslide—and most weren’t even in politics! Ordinary citizens found normal life interrupted for days after a landslide near North Bend, B.C. cut fiber optic cables. Phone and internet customers had service...

Limits on Pension Investments Hurt Returns

Limits on Pension Investments Hurt Returns

Recently, members of ‘Extinction Rebellion’, a climate change activist group, sat in protest at the University of British Columbia, beginning a hunger strike on January 6th, trying to stop UBC’s pension fund from making or holding any investments in...

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Free to Choose

Free To Choose is about freedom, the interrelationship of personal, political and economic freedom. Free To Choose is about the ideas of Milton and Rose Friedman, ideas that still dominate public policy debates decades after they were first proposed. Free To Choose is about those who refined and continue to extend these ideas.

Socialism In Reverse

“All great ideas go through three stages. In the first stage they are ridiculed. In the second stage, they are strongly opposed. And in the third stage they are considered to be self-evident,” the philosopher Schopenhauer once observed. Privatization may not have reached stage three, but it’s getting there.

Nothing for the Money

On Thursday, May 11th, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley spoke to the Empire Club of Canada in Toronto. His topic – equalization. His message – both Ontario and the Maritimes suffer from decades of federal equalization transfers.