Results for "Peter Best"

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Don’t Slam the Door on Bill 64

Don’t Slam the Door on Bill 64

Country singer Kenny Chesney’s lyric “Everybody want to go heaven, but nobody want to go now” is perhaps an apt metaphor for the current debate over Bill 64, the Education Modernization Act. Everybody knows that Manitoba students underperform academically, but when...

Climate Realpolitik

Climate Realpolitik

The Biden administration’s quick cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline’s permit came as no surprise. It was a marker for his party’s climate progressives who fervently believe that conventional hydrocarbons are warming the planet, bringing on a “climate emergency”...

A Cure Worse than the Disease

A Cure Worse than the Disease

Despite the relentless media drum-banging around the alarmist Covid narrative, this particular virus is not the Black Death. Official numbers have the Canadian death count so far just below 11,000, bad for sure, but not hugely off the yearly flu toll in Canada which...