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Lockdowns Damage Vulnerable the Most

Lockdowns Damage Vulnerable the Most

One clear takeaway from the convoy protest is the realization that pandemic restrictions and mandates are not affecting everyone equally. Liberal MP Joel Lightbound’s clever retort of, “Not everyone can still earn a living using their MacBook while at the cottage”...

The Case for Selling Crown Corporations

The Case for Selling Crown Corporations

This is far from the best time for most Manitobans. Covid-19 has poisoned the prairie province’s economy, the finances of the government, education, healthcare, small businesses and more. The reining party is on the ropes in a difficult environment that favours an...

The Hijacking of Canadian Democracy

The Hijacking of Canadian Democracy

Frontier senior fellow Leighton Grey is a lawyer who is working with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) on court challenges to lockdowns and vaccine mandates, as well as other related cases.  Here is another interview he did recently with Strong and...

Emergency Management and the Vaccines

Emergency Management and the Vaccines

Emergency managers never plan to resolve a pandemic with the use of a vaccine. This is because a vaccine for a new virus takes three to five years to fully develop, even when pushed forward with emergency urgency, to ensure that the vaccine will be both safe and...