Year: 2013

Hydro Has Conflict With Gas

Two energy sources dominate Manitoba's winter heating environment: hydro-generated electricity and natural gas. One, through the electricity grid, has been extended, assisted by significant government and ratepayer subsidies, to cover over 98 per cent of households....

Life in a climate cataclysm box

Dennis M. Mitchell and David R. Legates As children playing on the beach, we discovered a fascinating behavioral pattern among hermit crabs. Place a dozen in a cardboard box, and within minutes the crabs exit their shells and try to occupy another.  This mild...

Featured News

Big Tech Influence Can Tip Elections

Behavioural psychologist Robert Epstein believes Google can and does influence voters and that research teams in Canada and elsewhere need to monitor how users are being swayed. Epstein, the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and founder of the American...

Are Eco Terrorists Back?

News of traps on nature trails in the British Columbia woods bring back memories of previous eco-terrorist violence in North America. But they also bring something new. Radical environmentalists Earth First! (EF!) once sabotaged ski resorts and attempted to sabotage a...

The Economic Blunders Behind the Arab Revolutions: In Egypt and Syria, misguided food and water policies set the stage for revolt and civil war.

Sometimes economies can’t be fixed after decades of statist misdirection, and the people simply get up and go. Since the debt crisis of the 1980s, 10 million poor Mexicans—victims of a post-revolutionary policy that kept rural Mexicans trapped on government-owned collective farms—have migrated to the United States. Today, Egyptians and Syrians face economic problems much worse than Mexico’s, but there is nowhere for them to go.

Fewer People Below Poverty Line than ever -Why are We not Talking About it?

It’s been almost a month since Statistics Canada released its latest report on poverty in Canada (“Income of Canadians,” June 27). Since then I’ve been watching to see whether somebody, anybody would write about it. You would think somebody would. It is a well-established principle of social justice that a society should make its first priority improving the lot of the worst off among it, and is to be judged by how well it does in this regard. What is more, the news on this front is remarkable, even extraordinary.

Rooming House Options In Regina

Last week the city of Regina held a public meeting about Rooming Houses in the city. The meeting is part of a wider process the council is going through to try to address the dramatic housing shortage the city faces. There have been concerns from some communities,...