Year: 2014

Best Places To Be Self Employed

Manitoba may be the best place to live in Canada, if you enjoy being self-employed. The Frontier Centre for Public Policy has recently launched its first Entrepreneurial Index. It examines and ranks the best places in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to be...

Fracking Debate Skewed by Misinformation

The debate surrounding hydraulic fracturing or fracking has become obscured by misinformation. Fracking is a technique that injects water and chemicals at high pressure into underground shale formations, shattering rock to release trapped natural gas.  Much fear...

Featured News

Who would buy Manitoba Hydro?

As the next election approaches, Manitoba's NDP government will likely try to scare the public by trotting out its favourite hoary old political chestnut -- privatization. The NDP will increasingly accuse the opposition of "dark plans" to privatize Manitoba Hydro,...

1st Annual Responsible Budgeting Report

Responsible Budgeting is a new project by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy aimed at giving citizens a broader understanding of how provincial and territorial governments receive and spend money in relatable terms. In a time when many governments are hard-pressed...

The politicization of the Arctic

Canada’s Arctic claims continue to be a prominent aspect of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s policy agenda. Recent announcements, further technological investment, and emphasis on Arctic affairs in the government’s Throne Speech all speak to the fact that, since taking...