Year: 2018

Security and Safety of the Internet

Security and Safety of the Internet

The US government is pressuring Canada to block telecommunications companies from using equipment provided by Huawei, a Chinese company, when building our 5G cellular network for smartphones. Their logic is along the lines of “we don’t have actual evidence that China...

Featured News

How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Kawana Wallace, 27, is an Indigenous entrepreneur who has been able to harness his technical skills to revitalize the Māori language. Wallace is a co-founder and CEO of my Reo Studios, a New Zealand-based software company providing bilingual (English and Māori)...

Civilization and its Lost Lessons

Civilization and its Lost Lessons

On the afternoon of May 22, 1856, Preston Brooks, a plantation owner and pro-slavery politician who had been elected as a Congressman from South Carolina, strode into the nearly deserted U.S. Senate chamber. There he accosted Charles Sumner of Massachusetts who had...

Globalism Trumped by International Dream

Globalism Trumped by International Dream

“In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country,” President Trump told the United Nations. His overstatement inspired some chuckles, to which he quipped, “So true…Didn’t expect that...

Recycled Ideas

Recycled Ideas

Winnipeg is building a bigger recycling plant. Estimated $30 Million Dollars. Despite recycling volumes being static for years. So why build a new one? Recycling is facing an uncertain future as recycling standards are in flux, the current quality recyclables may be...

Profile Series: Lily Stender

Profile Series: Lily Stender

For Lily Stender, 49, Māori business leader, being a trustee of the Tolaga Bay Inn is a way to place the historic enterprise in Māori ownership as well as foster economic, cultural and social development in the local community. “When we acquired it, making money was...

The Ukrainian Voice

The Ukrainian Voice

“Be proud of your heritage - be passionate about your country”, the motto of The Ukrainian Voice, a Winnipeg based newspaper that recently ceased operations. First published in 1910, it was the leading advocate for Ukrainians in Canada. In this digital age it couldn’t...