Year: 2020

Support for a Non-confidence Vote?

Support for a Non-confidence Vote?

For the past 90 years, Canadian politics has been influenced by the presence of a genuinely left-wing political party. The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) emerged in 1933 demanding nationalization of essential industries, universal public pensions, health...

BC Workers Compensation Needs an Overhaul

BC Workers Compensation Needs an Overhaul

The Fair Practices Office for Worksafe BC receives 2,000 complaints each year. Retired labour lawyer Janet Patterson has shown the crown corporation how to lower that number significantly. After extensive consultations, she submitted her report in October 2019 with...

Featured News

Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Mandatory Vaccine Bill is Off-Target

Mandatory Vaccine Bill is Off-Target

New Brunswick’s failed attempt to remove vaccine exemptions sparked a political, ethical, and constitutional controversy. The benefits of the bill were marginal at best, but the heavy-handed tactics governments attempted to use to implement it were even worse. It was...

Systemic Racism

Systemic Racism

The current Prime Minister recently publicly contradicted RCMP Commissioner, Brenda Lucki, for saying there is no systemic racism within the RCMP.  Actually, Lucki said she didn’t know what “systemic racism” is.  In her words, “I have to admit, I really struggle with...

Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada must demonstrate federal leadership and all provinces and territories must come together as a country to support our energy economy, given its relative importance to Canada’s entire economy.  If it does not, Canada will continue to see its energy sector fall...