Kris Kowal

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Big Tech Influence Can Tip Elections

Behavioural psychologist Robert Epstein believes Google can and does influence voters and that research teams in Canada and elsewhere need to monitor how users are being swayed. Epstein, the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and founder of the American...

Teachers Should Keep using Textbooks

Teachers Should Keep using Textbooks

I learned a lot about Canadian history when I was an elementary school student. However, it had little to do with what happened during class. Rather, I came across an old Canadian history textbook in our school library and started reading it on my own time. What...

Emergency Management and the Vaccines

Emergency Management and the Vaccines

Emergency managers never plan to resolve a pandemic with the use of a vaccine. This is because a vaccine for a new virus takes three to five years to fully develop, even when pushed forward with emergency urgency, to ensure that the vaccine will be both safe and...

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Virginia enacted a Clean Economy Act; other states have implemented similar laws. AOC demands a national Green New Deal; President Biden is imposing one via executive decree. The United Kingdom is determined to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions; the European...

Thinking Longer Term: Covid on First Nations

Thinking Longer Term: Covid on First Nations

The pandemic is showing us the consequences of not adequately addressing housing and health care issues on Indigenous communities in Manitoba. Back in April 2020, I wrote an editorial that showed how Indigenous communities – while protected at first from the pandemic...

Vaccine Mandates Reveal that the State is our Enemy

Vaccine Mandates Reveal that the State is our Enemy

Albert Nock was a noted 20th century American libertarian who along with H.L. Mencken, recognized the pre-conditions necessary to accurately foresee the onset of both the Great Depression and WWII. In his 1935 treatise “Our Enemy: The State,” Nock wrote that: ...there...

Why the Courts Won’t Rule on the Violations of Our Rights

Why the Courts Won’t Rule on the Violations of Our Rights

Frontier senior fellow Leighton Grey is a lawyer who is working with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) on court challenges to lockdowns and vaccine mandates, as well as other related cases.  Recently he was interviewed by Strong and Free Canada, a...



THE SMUG AND THE CONFUSED Anybody with the courage and capacity to think rather than just REACT knows that we have not experienced a “pandemic”. The mortality rate for anybody under 70 was .03% - this microscopic figure makes this innocuous bug less dangerous than...