Les Routledge

Correlation is not Equal to Causation

Here is a decent post on the potential correlation of solar sun spots to long term climate cycles. The reader is reminded that correlation does not equal causation. However, a lack of correlation usually suggests no causation.  I will leave it up to readers to look at...

BC Lobby to Legalize Pot

Some food for thought here. “I have always had a problem with the idea that the state should criminalize an act which is essentially no more complex than putting a couple of seeds in your back yard, waiting a while and then, when something grows, you put it in your...

Featured News

Thank You PUB

It is time to place a firewall around the export business unit of Manitoba Hydro to protect rate payers and tax payers of Manitoba.

Maude on Water

I hope Maude will add all farmers like me in the call for universal access to safe drinking water and affordable water supply systems.