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Aging Opportunity

Did you know that Saskatchewan has significantly more government employees than all other province in Canada? This glut of government employees means taxpayers are paying a small bundle each year. Fortunately, the solution is fairly pain free for politicians – as bureaucrats retire, don’t rehire.

Harper Driven by Libertarian Ideology, not Reality

By the end of the 2012-13 fiscal year, and assuming there are no further tax cuts in the upcoming federal budget, the Harper Conservatives will have reduced the cost of government by $220 billion, according to the Toronto Star. Canadian corporations have pocketed $60 billion in savings. Over the same period, Ottawa has run up a cumulative $169-billion deficit.

A Place in the Sun Still Precious: Price of owning a house in Kelowna still one of the highest in the country

Even with house prices down in a soft economy, Kelowna’s housing is still considered “severely unaffordable.” The Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s eight annual Demographia Housing Affordability Survey puts the city’s multiple ratio at 6.6, the fourth most unaffordable in the country behind Vancouver, Abbotsford and Victoria.