Worth A Look

Climate Fairy Tales

Under that catchy title, Hans Labohm of the Dagelijkse Standaard writes a post listing the 10 talking points around ‘Climate Change’ that are rehearsed and recycled over and over again on an almost daily basis by the Dutch (and wider European/Western) MSM. But what’s more, Mr. Labohm provides the rebuttal swiftly and brutally in the form of links proving the lie to these fairy tales. If you read Dutch, head on over to read the entire thing.

Telling CO2 Lies to Destroy America

I am increasingly of the opinion that the main goal of the Obama administration through CO2 regulation, exploding deficits, punishing taxation, and any other means at their disposal is the destruction of the economy and the complete control of impoverished Americans.

Private Water Management Helps The Poor

Only five percent of global water management today is private. It is governments who mismanage and misallocate water to farmers and other special interests, as well as the politically connected, especially in poor countries. Not only does public ownership and management of water resources harm the poor, it also harms the environment by encouraging waste.

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