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City Office Space Is Tanking

City Office Space Is Tanking

Sometimes economics can be boring. That happens when you know for sure that something is coming and nothing can stop it. And yet mainstream opinion is utterly in denial, continually shocked by the unfolding of the inevitable. That’s when it gets frustrating. After...

The Neo-Enclosure of the Whole World

The Neo-Enclosure of the Whole World

Whitney Webb is not like me, sending out essays on the regular, but when she does, just wow. Working off the attempt by Wall Street to financialize America’s national parks and conserved areas, and living in Chile as she does, she found something and holy pigeon-toed...

Why the Irish Fenians Tried to ‘Capture Canada’ in 1866

Why the Irish Fenians Tried to ‘Capture Canada’ in 1866

It was 1866 and in the aftermath of the American Civil War, thousands of Irish immigrants who had fought in both the Union and Confederate armies were of a mind to invade Canada. They were followers of the Fenian Brotherhood, a group formed in the United States in...

Why We Should Be Skeptical Of The Hydrogen Economy

Why We Should Be Skeptical Of The Hydrogen Economy

At first glance, using highly variable, intermittent, inexpensive renewable energy to produce hydrogen for energy supply stabilization seems logical. However, renewable energy is not always readily available. The concept of hydrogen as a ‘buffer,’ akin to a battery,...