Poll Question: December 21, 2022 to December 27, 2022 Poll Question: December 14, 2022 to December 20, 2022 According to a recent National Post story Quebec Premier Francois Legault (Canada's most popular Premier) opposes “wokeness” – particularly...
Results for "quesnel"
Stefanson Right to Defend Provincial Resource Ownership
Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson does us all proud in defending the province’s constitutional right to control its natural resources. She tweeted recently, “I will always defend Manitoba from any attempt to unilaterally strip clear provincial constitutional...
Winnipeg Should Choose Education Over Anger in Bishop Grandin Debate
Winnipeg City Council needs to know renaming streets will not advance Indigenous reconciliation and it will deny Winnipeggers a chance for a learning experience about the residential schools legacy. A final motion goes to city council on March 23. The motion aims to...
What do you think of cancelling Bishop Grandin?
Poll Question: March 22, 2023 to March 28 , 2023 On March 24th Winnipeg City Council voted unanimously to rename streets named after Bishop Vital Justin Grandin for what the CBC reported as “renewed outrage over the lasting harm caused by residential schools.” Bishop...
Featured News
Coal – Not Wind – is Keeping Saskatchewan’s Lights On
While it’s not the same minute-by-minute data provided by the Alberta Electric System Operator for their grid, SaskPower has begun breaking down where its power is coming from on a daily basis. And the data from Oct. 3 and 4 showed wind generated an average of just...
57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar
Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...
Looking Beyond a National Inquiry
The Assembly of First Nations is proposing a national public inquiry to address the grave situation facing Aboriginal women in Canada. While many believe that a national inquiry is the answer, that may not in fact be the case. The issue is a serious one. Indeed,...
Frontier Centre releases Measuring the Size and Cost of Manitoba’s and Saskatchewan’s Public Sectors
Today the Frontier Centre for Public Policy released a new study documenting how high public sector employment rates in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan have significant costs to the taxpayers of those provinces. Additional spending on the public sector wage...
Measuring the Size and Cost of Manitoba’s and Saskatchewan’s Public Sectors
In September 2014, the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) released a policy paper that looked at the size and cost of Atlantic Canada’s public sector. AIMS researchers Ben Eisen and Shaun Fantauzzo examined Statistics Canada data to empirically assess the...
Frontier Centre Releases Tapping Into Our Potential: Occupational Freedom and Aboriginal Workers
The Frontier Centre for Public Policy released today Tapping Into Our Potential: Occupational Freedom and Aboriginal Workers. In this policy study, Frontier policy analyst Joseph Quesnel argues that Canada’s Aboriginal peoples represent vast unrealized potential...
How Voluntary Outside Accreditation can Advance First Nation Communities
The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is pleased to release a new study by Frontier’s policy analyst Joseph Quesnel. The study, entitled Finding Strength from Within: How Voluntary Outside Accreditation can Advance First Nation Communities, demonstrates various means...
American magazine releases issue on Native empowerment
PERC Reports, a publication of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in Montana, has released a new issue that highlights Native American economic empowerment. In particular, the issue looks at the effects of economic growth on indigenous...
Property Rights Video Clip
One of the projects I'm working on at Frontier is a new video clip about a company called GSI - Geophysical Service Incorporated. Joseph Quesnel, one of my colleagues, has written about GSI before. GSI conducts seismic surveys and then sells the data they collect...
B.C. First Nation leads historic and controversial move toward aboriginal private home ownership
Source: Tristin Hopper, The National Post, 8 Nov 2013 This month, in a remote corner of northern B.C., just a few kilometres from the Alaskan border, three modest houses entered Canadian First Nations history. The residences, all located on the self-governed lands of...
2013 International Property Rights Index
The Frontier Centre for Public Policy, along with the Property Rights Alliance, today released the 2013 International Property Rights Index (IPRI). The 2013 Index, measures the protection of property rights in 131 countries. This represents 98 per cent of the world...