Recently, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe urged his citizens to get vaccinated in a three-minute plea filled with dubious claims and faulty logic. It’s irksome that any executive assistant or speechwriter got paid to compose such nonsense. Moe said: “Those who have...
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Bankers, Insurers and Activists Assault our Freedoms
Oil giant ExxonMobil’s 12-member board of directors reportedly has two new members who are climate activists backed by investor “Engine 1.” Under the headline, “Shareholders tell Exxon to eat sh*t,” G/O Media and Earther “reporter” Molly Taft gleefully ends paragraph...
Choosing Mediocrity Promotes Neither Inclusion Nor Equity
The Vancouver School Board (VSB) strives for excellence in educating students. At least that’s what its vision statement says. However, the VSB’s recent decision to cancel all of its math and science honours programs calls this commitment into question. Instead of...
Pallister Passports
The Pallister government has recently announced a new tactic in its campaign to persuade more people to become vaccinated - immunization passports. Those carrying passports will not have to isolate for two weeks when returning to Manitoba. Proof of both doses of an...
Featured News
The Rise of Zombies in the Wake of COVID-19
We are spending double the amount of time on our streaming platforms compared to last year, close to 45.4 billion minutes spent on Netflix alone in the first few weeks of March 2020. Movie titles such as: 28 Weeks Later (2007), Quarantine (2008), Carriers (2009), and...
Successful Integration Experiences From Around the World
In his paper “Successful Integration Experiences From Around the World”, Joseph Quesnel examines the response of three diverse countries to the economic and social challenges facing their Indigenous populations: Mexico with its Meso-American peoples, the Japanese with...
$2,280 in ‘Ralph bucks’ or $2 Billion Buried in the Ground?
The possible and practical uses for $2 billion are almost endless.
An Exclusive Interview with Czech President Vaclav Klaus
It is no surprise then that Klaus views global warming quotas and promises by politicians as a means of inflicting untested ideas “in the form of market controls” on the international economic engine. This, Klaus says, “gives new life to top down government and controls over people’s lives.”
The Smart Growth Bailout?
Yet the bottom line remains: Without smart growth’s land rationing policies, the severe escalation in home prices would never have reached such absurd levels. But the disaster in the highly regulated markets will be with us for years. The smart growth spike in housing prices turned what might have been a normal cyclical downturn into the most disastrous financial collapse since 1929. Now the taxpayers are being asked to bail out the mess that smart growth advocates, no doubt inadvertently, have created.
Rabbit In The Hat
The problem, of course, is that this process is repeated over and over again in all kinds of government transfers and “investments”, and the Canadian taxpayer ends up paying nearly 40% of his income in miscellaneous taxes. In return, he gets bad services, stupid subsidies, and a pile of regulations, controls and prohibitions.
Worst Among Equals? (PowerPoint Slides)
PowerPoint Slides from the Meeting for Policy Experts Seminar releasing the 2008 Canada Health Consumer Index.
Three Questions For Ontario Candidates
The vice is tightening on Ontario and unfortunately the federal government is doing much to help it close. Ottawa is still taking about $80 million every working day from Ontario to fund subsidies, including equalization, for Manitoba, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces.
Canada’s Healthcare Lags Far Behind Europe: Study
Story from The Canadian Press discusses the results of two studies released by FCPP: the Canada Health Consumer Index 2008 and the Euro-Canada Health Consumer Index 2008.
Canada Health Consumer Index 2008
The Frontier Centre and its Brussels-based partners at the Health Consumer Powerhouse release the 2008 Canada Healthcare Consumer Index, the first-ever national consumer-focused bench-marking of Canada’s provinces.
Media Release – Canadian Health Consumer Index Rates Each Province’s Healthcare System
Ontario came in first in the Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s first annual Canada Health Consumer Index which was released today. The Index - published by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy together with its European partner the Health Consumer Powerhouse (HCP)...