Kris Kowal

Should we continue with affirmative action?

Should we continue with affirmative action?

Over the last few decades, Canada has made a strong effort to encourage inclusivity through the use of "equity" hiring, where women and visible minorities are given priority, with similar structures being undertaken in universities and professions. The idea is that we...

Should parents be fully informed?

Should parents be fully informed?

This past week saw dozens of protests across Canada by hundreds of thousands of parents, who are concerned that their children are being sexualized at an early stage in elementary and junior schools. Polls show that up to 80% of Canadians are in favour of parental...

Replacing Gas Tax in a Mandated EV World

Replacing Gas Tax in a Mandated EV World

All levels of government in Canada collect around $20 billion in taxes on gasoline and diesel sales per year.  The present government in Ottawa hopes to ban the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2035.  There are many practical reasons this will not happen but...

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The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

What parts of the world have given rise to the most successful entrepreneurs? This is a question which is answered in the superentrepreneurs project. This project is about studying high-end entrepreneurship and focuses on the close to 2 500 individuals in the world...