Kris Kowal

Are women over represented in the federal civil service?

Are women over represented in the federal civil service?

Unlike the USA, where Affirmative Action is not guaranteed, the Canadian Charter specifically mentions that Affirmative Action can be used in hiring situations where designated groups, such as women, are underrepresented (called Equity Points).  This has led to a...

Leaders on the Frontier – Can We Really Erase History? With Gerry Bowler

Leaders on the Frontier – Can We Really Erase History? With Gerry Bowler

Where does this toxic ideology of wanting to re-write history to atone for the sins of the past come from? Does anything truly matter when the narrative is more important than truth? Gerry Bowler and host David Leis discuss the value of a collective history and the great dangers in ignoring, erasing and revising history the way revolutionary movements desire to do, noting the ways this is prevalent in Canada today.

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