Lee Harding

Wokeness kills Vancouver

Wokeness kills Vancouver

“Harm reduction--somebody’s got a sense of humour, man. ‘Cuz that ain’t helping nobody, man. It’s helping everybody get high more.”   Does passive policing and harm reduction improve health and safety? Vancouver is a living, breathing example to the contrary—or...

Featured News



Coronaphobia may not have entered our official vocabulary, but it deserves to. Virus fears have affected public policy and our daily lives. The condition is held by a great number of people. It is understandable why the elderly and immunosuppressed are worried. What...

Canada’s Sexist Child Support Guidelines

Canada’s Sexist Child Support Guidelines

If Christopher Sarlo is right, Canada’s Federal Child Support Guidelines are wrong. The economics professor at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario made an in-depth analysis on the basis for the Guidelines and found them wanting. His 100-page examination leads...

Computer Voting Has to Go

Computer Voting Has to Go

Would you trust an election where no one counts the votes? Many jurisdictions in Canada, the United States, and eight other countries do just that and place full trust in computer systems they cannot scrutineer. Election officials parrot the claims of the voting...

Let’s Check the Fact-Checkers

Let’s Check the Fact-Checkers

Fact-checking, how wonderful. They take us past the spin and straight to the real truth. Or maybe not. A closer look at almost every fact-checking organization shows a great deal of politics and vested interests involved. Years ago, I went to Snopes.com whenever...

How Marxists Take Over (and What to Do About it)

How Marxists Take Over (and What to Do About it)

The fall of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics did not end the threat of Communism. Yuri Bezmenov, an ex-KGB agent who defected from Russia to Canada in 1970, told us so more than 35 years ago. Even while the USSR was a strong empire, Bezmenov said it was “the...

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

The second-largest Ebola outbreak in history is over, but the sexual misconduct investigations regarding WHO’s aid workers in the Congo has just begun. The Congolese Ebola outbreak started in 2018 and was declared over on June 25, 2020. It had 3481 cases, 2299...

Star Trek Becomes Real

Star Trek Becomes Real

No one ever took President Trump for Star Trek’s Captain Picard. Nevertheless, his creation of the U.S. Space Force in December of 2019 resembled the latter’s powerful command, “Engage!” The space race is on, but what most people would find surprising is how far along...

BC Workers Compensation Needs an Overhaul

BC Workers Compensation Needs an Overhaul

The Fair Practices Office for Worksafe BC receives 2,000 complaints each year. Retired labour lawyer Janet Patterson has shown the crown corporation how to lower that number significantly. After extensive consultations, she submitted her report in October 2019 with...