Results for "Reconciliation"

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57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

Teaching About Residential Schools

Teaching About Residential Schools

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommended that all Canadian children learn about residential schools. This is part of Canada’s history, and is now taught in every classroom.  However, there is reason to worry that a fair and balanced view is not being...

Profile Series: James Gladstone

Profile Series: James Gladstone

In this age of Indigenous reconciliation, it is important to remember the Indigenous movers and shakers who have gone before and cleared the path for others. James Gladstone (1887-1971) was such an Indigenous person. In the Blackfoot language, he was known as...