Year: 2005

Featured News

Searching for a Miracle Solution

This might seem an odd moment for a senior doctor to call for a switch in the way that the NHS is financed. Yet that is what Bernard Ribeiro, the new president of the Royal College of Surgeons, has done. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph published on August 13th, he argued that a tax-based system will be unable to cope with future health-care demands. Instead, Britain ought to emulate the social-insurance model of Germany and France, in which the main source of finance is contributions levied on workers’ pay.

Getting Results from Markets

One of my favorite movie quotes is Hayley Mills’s line in Pollyanna, “When you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will.” And that’s what Mr. Stracher and many others do. While you’re busy looking for the bad, you miss so much of the good.

Always Low Tactics. Always.

What Wal-Mart’s opponents can’t win through organizing or in the marketplace, it seems, they now seek to achieve through the raw exercise of political power. One can hardly blame them for sticking with what works.

We Need 250 States

Terry Anderson and Peter Hill make an argument that suggests that democracy does not scale well. As the size of the constituency group gets large, the politician becomes less accountable. Politicians find it easier to extract rents and abuse powers