Peter Holle

Peter Holle is the founding President of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, an award-winning western Canadian-based public policy think tank. Since its founding in 1997, Frontier has brought a distinctive and influential Prairie voice to regional and national debates over public policy in areas such as core public sector reform, housing, poverty, aboriginals, consumer-focused health care performance, equalization, rural policy and much more. Of the nearly 100 recognized think tanks in Canada, Frontier is one of only 5 to make the 2008 global “Go-To Think Tanks” list published by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia.

Mr. Holle has worked extensively with public sector reform and has provided advisory services to various governments across Canada and the United States. His publications have appeared in various newspapers and journals including dozens of newspapers, the National Post and the Wall Street Journal. He has a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is a member of various organizations including the Mont Pelerin Society, an international organization of classical liberals.

Research by Peter Holle

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

Featured News

The Man who Saved the Plains Indians

At the time of Confederation, Canada’s Plains Indians were in a desperate situation. The same European-introduced guns and horses that resulted in a briefly glorious golden age for them had also resulted in constant inter-tribal warfare and the rapid disappearance of...

Teachers need to take charge of their classrooms

Teachers need to take charge of their classrooms

Prospective teachers learn a lot about individualized instruction in faculties of education. That’s because teachers are encouraged to personalize learning, for each student, as much as possible. To a certain degree, this makes good sense. An inflexible cookie-cutter...

Forget About COVID, They Say

Forget About COVID, They Say

Earlier this year, a phrase was trending because Bari Weiss used it on a talk show: “I’m done with COVID.” Many people cheered simply because the subject has been the source of vast oppression for billions of people for two years. There are two ways to be over COVID....

Brian Peckford: Original Signed Patriation Agreement

Brian Peckford: Original Signed Patriation Agreement

'Theses pages are copies of the original signed Patriation Agreement agreed to November 5, 1981. This became The Constitution Act of 1982  in which the Charter f Right and Freedoms is found. This was the result of 17 months of negotiation among the First Ministers of...

Archives and the Memory Hole

Archives and the Memory Hole

Nikolia Ivanovich Yezhov was not a nice man, but for a time he was an important one. He was a favourite of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin and head of the NKVD, the USSR’s secret police. As such he was responsible for the arrests, tortures, and executions of his...

The Failed Economics of Carbon Taxes

The Failed Economics of Carbon Taxes

A leading Canadian economist says the case for carbon taxes is limited and its proponents deliver more rhetoric than reality. In an interview with this author, Steve Ambler, Economics Professor at the University of Quebec at Montreal gave an excellent economic...